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A Letter From Huntersville Weight Loss Patient

I felt compelled to write this note in the hopes it will provide hope to someone currently on their weight loss journey and to hopefully provide a solution to assist them along the way. This is just a glimpse into how the staff and tools provided at Physician’s Plan Weight Loss has changed our lives.

About four and a half months ago I was once again pondering what to do about losing weight, as many of us have in the past. I had tried many different exercise plans, fad diets and gimmicks that provided me some level of success only to revert back to my old habits and gain the weight back (sometimes even with a few extra pounds). This yo-yo cycle that I was on was unsustainable as well as physically and mentally unhealthy, but when you’re desperate for a solution, you’ll try anything hoping it’s that next magic pill.

So, how did my journey begin? As I mentioned previously, about four and a half months ago I was heading to lunch with a couple of great friends from work. During our ride to the restaurant, I informed them of what my next weight loss plan was going to be. After a few minutes of providing my game plan, one of them proceeds to tell me about this place called Physician’s Plan, where he and his wife were patients and had great weight loss success. After a few minutes of Q&A on their experience, I figured my wife and I (my wife was also struggling with the same search for a successful weight loss plan) would at least set up a consultation and hear what they had to say. We had no real lofty expectations of what was going to be offered, since we’d heard multiple gimmicks on losing weight before, but we were wrong.

When we arrived at our Physician’s Plan consultation, we met with Kim Freel (Clinical Direction at Physician’s Plan in Huntersville) who greeted us with excitement and took us back to a small meeting room. Kim proceeded to share not only details of their program, but (to our surprise) the weight loss trials and tribulations of her own 100-pound weight loss journey. We found her very genuine and compassionate, so much so we felt comfortable enough to share some of our own stories with her. It was great we had someone in front of us who had experienced some of the same struggles we had experience. Needless to say after our consultation, we signed up to participate in the program immediately.

The rest is history! After four and a half months of office visits, logging everything on the My Fitness Pal app (a must have tool on your journey), creating new habits, being more aware of our food intake and making healthier lifestyle decisions, I have lost over 65 pounds and my wife has lost over 30. It wasn’t easy at first, but nothing worth having ever is.

The doctors and staff at Physician’s Plan were encouraging, realistic, supportive, accommodating, and held us accountable. We (and our loved ones) are eternally grateful for their help in giving us the tools necessary to work towards achieving our goal weights. I know it is ultimately up to the individual to be mentally committed to making a life style change; however, Physician’s Plan has the tools to help them get there faster.

I tell everyone who comments on the weight we’ve lost or on how great we look, that weight loss is similar to vehicle maintenance versus vehicle repairs. I, personally, can change the oil in my car, but when an engine replacement is needed you need professional help (like I did). Physician’s Plan, their staff, and their tools, were our professionals. Our weight loss journey continues, but we feel empowered and well equipped to take on that challenge to achieve our weight loss goals and we wish you the same.

I tell everyone that has a made a commitment to lose weight to give Physician’s Plan a chance, and as the song by Peter Gabriel states, “Don’t Give Up.”

Wishing you success!

Thank you,

Alex Javier
