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Busy Mom, Vegan and 40+ Journey of Weight Loss

The day I turned 40, I was the heaviest I had been in my life (other than pregnancy, and we all know that number doesn’t count).  The scales read an alarming 155 pounds. I knew it was time to do something, but I didn’t know where to start. Being a vegan made things a little harder. Squeezing uncomfortably into my size 8 pants (knowing it was time to move up to the 10’s) meant it was time to get back down to a healthy weight.

Enter Physician’s Plan Weight Loss and Wellness.  I’m now down 30 plus pounds! Talking to the team at Physician’s Plan Weight Loss set me on the right course. Looking back, that was the best call I have made in years.

I have been a vegan for a few years.  I felt like that made me healthy, but it made diets hard.  In talking to the Physician’s Plan Weight Loss team my biggest concern was whether the program would work on a vegan diet?  The person I met with was a vegan herself and instantly made me feel like I could do this.

Then she told me just how many calories I could have a day.  The number was MUCH lower than I thought it would be.  I almost went running out the door. That first week was not at ALL what I expected. The discovery: I was THE unhealthiest vegan on the planet.  I had found every high calorie, low protein, non-processed vegan recipe and added it to my diet over the years.   It was a real eye opener as to why my weight had just snuck up on me.  I did not feel tired or bad that first week. I did not feel “hangry” or motivated to kill my husband or kids.  Week one I lost 4.1 pounds. I would see the team several times a week for Lipo-Plex injections to help burn fat. I asked a million questions that they always took the time to answer. They cared about my success.

Week two came and I lost 2 more pounds, then 3 pounds more for week 3. Look at me go! Then came week 4.

Week 4 I gained a pound. Why? I am a very OCD person and I was eliminating foods I loved because I wanted to follow my plan so perfectly. This caused me to crave those foods even more.  After a very stressful day my answer to that stress was to reach for all those foods I was eliminating from my diet…not good!  The Physician’s Plan Weight Loss team helped me understand that I could still have those foods, but I needed to know when and how much to eat of it.  GAME CHANGER for me!

As a vegan I struggled to get the right amount of protein without getting too many carbs.  The team worked with me all the time to help me find ways to get protein without over doing the carbs.  I am a mom of two very active boys (14 and 10) so I am always on the go with homework, being a taxi to sports, and school events.  I live in my car more than I live in my house most days of the week. And, I work, keep house and take care of 3 boys (I tend to consider my husband the 3rd boy in that number).  Physician’s Plan helped me find foods I can keep in my car and grab on the run. We even found several foods I could get at various fast food places if I was in an emergency.  The team helped me find a customized plan that worked for ME and my busy, vegan life.

I am in a size 2, something I thought was not possible for me at age 40!  I feel good and have no trouble keep the weight off. I am armed with the tools for success all thanks to my team at Physician’s Plan.  My friends that were trying the trendy diets when I started this have all lost weight, gained the weight back and are already trying another trendy diet. Here I am staying the course and not giving up anything at all.

My husband started the plan several months after I did and he is down 40+ pounds.  His plan looks VERY different than mine, but it works for him.  That is what’s so amazing about Physician’s Plan they have the knowledge to customize a plan that will work just for you!

If I can leave you with any advice it would be to DO IT. Do it now. Don’t wait another day, week or year!  My husband and I are both so thankful for this team and how it had changed our lives for the better.

