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How to Enjoy Halloween Without Derailing Your Weight Loss Journey

A lot of people have trouble staying on top of their health and fitness, and data from YouGov suggest that more than half (52%) of adults worldwide are trying to lose weight.

Even for those who can get into a good routine, it can seem like there's always something getting in the way. Holiday seasons are a big culprit here, and with Halloween just around the corner, you may be wondering how you're going to manage things.

Weight loss during the holidays isn't easy, but knowledge is perhaps the most important element. If you're equipped with the right festive weight loss strategies and healthy Halloween recipes, things will be much easier.

In this article, we're going to take a look at how you can prepare yourself and stay healthy this Halloween. We'll look at how you can prep, the strategies you can follow, and how you can come out the other side ready to get right back into your regular routine. Let's get started.

Planning Ahead for a Healthy Halloween

Preparation is key. Before Halloween arrives, you should set goals and put a plan in place. Make sure these goals are realistic, and keep track of them throughout the season.

To help you prepare, here are some healthy Halloween tips for those scary good treats:

  • Stick with mini options for snacks
  • Out of sight, out of mind: don't overexpose yourself to snacks
  • Donate extra so you're not left with a huge stash after Halloween
  • Make healthier, homemade options
  • Be choosy and avoid anything you know is very bad
  • Consider healthier brands
  • Candy isn't a meal or snack, so have it in moderation

Portion control is key here. You can enjoy some treats over Halloween, just make sure you don't overdo it - especially in individual sittings.

Choosing Healthy Halloween Treats

One of the best ways to enjoy Halloween is with healthy treats. You won't need to be envious of everyone snacking around you and you can avoid having anything that's too bad for you.

In general, a good approach here is to opt for candy with nuts in it. A chocolate bar with nuts will have fewer calories, less sugar, and more nutrients than a similar bar that's entirely chocolate.

Small popcorn bags are another great option. There are plenty of flavors, and some are healthier than others, so look at the nutritional information when making your choice.

Chocolate-coated raisins can also be ideal. You can beat that chocolate craving while still getting some healthy nutrients.

If chocolate is your vice, you should consider swapping any milk or white chocolate for dark chocolate. It has a lower sugar content and contains antioxidants that can lower the risk of heart disease.

Smart Snacking Before and During Halloween Events

Approaching things intelligently will help you avoid any mistakes. If you're attending any parties or social gatherings, there will likely be snacks and other unhealthy food. Fill up on healthy food beforehand and you'll have a much easier time resisting temptation.

Snacking throughout the day can be helpful, but you want to make sure you're snaking on the right things. Some options that will help keep you feeling full include:

  • Protein-rich foods: lean meats, nuts, and beans 
  • High-fiber foods: whole grains, fruits, and vegetables 
  • Porridge oats
  • Celery sticks with cream cheese

When it does come time to go out, you may even want to take your own healthy snacks with you. This will further help you avoid the temptation of candy and other unhealthy treats.

How to Indulge Without Overindulging

Mindful eating isn't always easy, especially when you're surrounded by people indulging themselves. There are a few things you can do to help yourself:

  • Don't eat while you're distracted (on the phone, watching TV, etc.)
  • Plan your snacks and meals in advance
  • Be aware of your body (when you're hungry/full)
  • Stop eating before you're full: wait 20 minutes and eat more if you're still hungry
  • Eat nourishing, satisfying foods

Everyone has different needs when it comes to food. Keep in mind how much you need to eat to be satisfied, and plan things based on this. Make sure you do your best to keep your diet balanced, and if you do have anything you shouldn't, try to get back into your regular routine straight away so it doesn't cascade.

Staying Active During Halloween

Being healthy is about more than just what you eat. It's important to stay active through Halloween. Not only is it beneficial to maintain a good exercise regime, but it will help you offset the snacks that you eat over the season.

Plan things out to stay fit over Halloween. You can even incorporate trick-or-treating into your plan as you might do quite a bit of walking.

Recovering After Halloween

Even when you're prepared, your routine might slip up over Halloween. You're likely to eat a bit less healthily and do less exercise. When it's over, you want to get right back into things.

Drinking water can be very beneficial. You'll have a lot more energy and motivation if you're properly hydrated. It also helps flush out toxins you might have accumulated from your Halloween snacks.

You may want to start off a bit slower for a few days and build back up to your proper routine. Keep a positive mindset and don't let the guilt trap make you feel bad. There's nothing wrong with taking it easy now and then as long as you can get back into your healthy habits.

How Healthy Halloween Recipes and More Can Help You This Holiday

Planning your snacks and using healthy Halloween recipes can help you stay on track with your health goals. Being prepared and following the strategies above will help you maintain balance and avoid temptation.

If you want more assistance, the team at Physician's Plan can help. We're focused on the most effective medical-based weight loss, aesthetics, and med spa solutions.

Our experienced staff at any of our North and South Carolina locations can develop a personalized plan to help you on your health and fitness journey. Get in touch with us today to find out more.
