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Mark Your Calendar for Patient Appreciation WEEK!

Some Physician’s Plan patients call it their favorite day of the year. For this year only, we will extend our biggest sale of the year from one day to an entire WEEK of appreciation pricing.

Our biggest sale of the year is now online and even BIGGER and BETTER than before. You deserve it. 2020 has been a year of challenges and changes. This makes our appreciation for all our customers that much more important. Enjoy the week of everything being 20% off. Take a moment to peruse our VIP recommended packages. Schedule an in-person or online private consultation to get the most out of your order.

How can you order? There are multiple ways to order this year.

  1. Preorder online at www.physiciansplan.com.
  2. Call us at your nearest center.
  3. Use the chat room on the website home page.
  4. Schedule a private phone, video, or in-person consult to discuss what offers would be best for you.

The more you order, the more you save on bonus services like our newest antibody test. So stock up on weight loss packages and follow-up appointments, Lipo B-12 shots, skin rejuvenating medspa services, injectables, food products, skin products, and more!

Physician’s Plan offers medical-grade skincare lines, including Obagi, SkinMedica, and Colorescience. Our licensed medical aestheticians help patients determine the best skincare routine and products for you with free private consultations.

We know safety is on your mind, so order online, save big and our wellness warriors will deliver to you curbside the week of Patient Appreciation. Orders placed in advance will be entered into the early-bird raffle prizes! Fill out the form at the attached link https://www.physiciansplan.com/contact/ and a wellness warrior consultant from the Physician’s Plan location near you will be in touch to answer any questions.

Mark your calendars and don’t miss the biggest sale of the year, August 3-7! All South and North Carolina locations are participating, some restrictions may apply. To learn more about all VIP packages, go to http://www.physiciansplan.com/events/.
