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Physician's Plan Offers Lasting Weight Loss for All Ages

Losing weight. It’s one of the hardest challenges a person can face at any age. Many Lake Norman residents have turned to Physician’s Plan Weight Loss and Wellness to help with their weight loss struggles, after trying unsuccessfully to shed pounds. These patients, both old and young, are finally reaching their goals thanks to a customized plan. Physician’s Plan, with locations in Huntersville and Hickory, offers patients a fresh start with a plan customized to individual weight loss goals and medical profile. They treat college age students as well as patients in their seventies, men and women, couples and friends. Explains Alex Javier, a recent patient who joined with his wife, “After four and a half months of office visits, creating new habits, being more aware of our food intake and making healthier lifestyle decisions, I have lost over sixty five pounds and my wife has lost over thirty!”

Using the latest medical science, the Physician’s Plan team uncovers the actual cause of weight gain, such as slow metabolism, hormonal and nutritional imbalances or genetic factors. The customized plan helps patients speed up metabolism, curb hunger, improve health and increase energy. This plan worked for a recent male patient that has dropped 120 pounds on the program. Says Dr. Chris DiOrio, Medical Director of Physician’s Plan, “Each patient’s needs are different. One male in his forties who recently lost one hundred twenty pounds, needed help with portion control. A recent female patient in her seventies needed the motivation to exercise more, but it took losing weight successfully to achieve that motivation. Each plan is different here at Physicians Plan Weight Loss and Wellness. The transformations are amazing to watch. The difference we see in the patients is unbelievable--physically and beyond.”

Physician’s Plan also offers patients a chance for weight loss results that will last. The critical ingredient in the recipe for sustainable weight loss that makes Physician’s Plan Weight Loss patients truly successful is the highly trained staff and physicians who take the time to truly know each patient and are fully invested in their success. Says a recent patient, “I had tried many different exercise plans, fad diets and gimmicks that provided me some level of success only to revert back to my old habits and gain the weight back (sometimes even with a few extra pounds). This yo-yo cycle that I was on was unsustainable as well as physically and mentally unhealthy. Physician’s Plan changed all of that.” He adds, “The doctors and staff at Physician’s Plan were encouraging, realistic, supportive, accommodating and held us accountable. We are eternally grateful for their help in giving us the tools necessary to work towards achieving our goal weights.” If you are interested in a customized plan, or want to learn more about Physician’s Plan, click here.
