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Rick’s Journey To Better Health

June is Men’s Health Month. For many men, better health begins with losing weight which can be tough. Rick Bryant knows all about the struggle, he tried for years to shed excess pounds. He states, “I have struggled for years with my weight.” Rick moved to Hickory, NC and decided to take action. “I researched businesses in the area I felt could help me in achieving and maintaining my weight loss and maintenance goals for healthy living and an active lifestyle,” he says. Luckily, Rick found a Physician’s Plan located nearby and in just 3 and a half months, Rick lost more than 26 pounds!

Physicians Plan patients start with a weight loss coach consultation and a weight loss profile with a medical provider. Rick had his vitals taken, including blood pressure, heart rate and physical measurements. A full Computerized Body Composition Analysis provides Physician’s Plan physicians valuable information about the makeup of the patient’s body.  Each patient then receives a customized plan that may include weight loss goals such as inches and pounds, a nutrition plan, health improvement benchmarks such as reducing cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and more. To Rick, this personalized care helped him reach his goals. He explains, “The staff is very friendly and knowledgeable and always prepared with resources to assist with my journey. Dr. DiOrio offered his cell number and returned my calls within hours, always with the utmost of patience and encouragement.”

The plan worked for Rick, who for the first time, saw results. He says, “Physician's Plan has met and exceeded all my expectations. In two months, I have lost five inches in the waist. My shirt size has been reduced from XXL to L, and my coat jacket reduced from size 50 to 44.” With this weight loss, Rick is in much better health, but that is not the only way the change has affected Rick’s life. “My confidence has been boosted, and I look forward to my continuing journey.” He has advice for other men that need to lose the weight now to prevent health problems in the future, “If you have concerns about your weight and related health concerns, I strongly encourage you to consider calling Physician's Plan. You will not be disappointed.”

Schedule Your Weight Loss Consultation Today
