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Self-Care in 2020

More than just weight loss, PPWL + Wellness provides nutrition, skin care, facial rejuvenation, mind and body wellness, and medically-based aesthetics. Here are the top 10 recommendations from our team members to help you meet your 2020 self-care goals.

  1. Try something new: Step a little out of your comfort zone and try something new this year. A new way of eating or a new skin care regime are a great place to start.
  2. Experiential Wellness: People love to experience wellness. Take a wellness staycation. Hit the reset button with our 2-Day make-over including a nutritional menu with all meals and snacks, medical weight loss plan, 2-3 spa services (hydrafacial, dermaplaning and peel) and Botox. Your 2-day spa staycation can be customized as well.
  3. Book a series: Buy a series of treatments to keep you on track for carving out time for yourself and your wellness. Some of our favorites include Intense Pulse Light Photofacials (3-6), microneedling (3-6), and refreshing injectables (buy, bank and save).
  4. Move: Find creative ways to move more. See this as time for yourself. Invest in those fancy earbuds and walk on your lunch break. Or, meet friends and walk in your neighborhood before dinner. Take the stairs. Whatever you do, use the time you move to focus on you!
  5. Sleep: According to the National Sleep Foundation 45% of Americans aren’t getting the sleep they deserve. Make this a priority. Your lifestyle can have a great impact on the quality of your sleep. Establish a routine where sleep is a priority, not just a luxury. Enjoy the resulting benefits of beautiful, clear skin and improved weight loss.
  6. Nutrition: Focus on sustainable and realistic eating habits. Need a plan, we can help craft your nutrition plan. Week-ends can be hard. Let Physician’s Plan Weight Loss + Wellness hand pick your Week-end Warrior snacks and meals.
  7. Make time for mental health: Some of our favorite mindful tricks include meditation (lots of apps that can help), journaling and expressing gratitude.
  8. Give yourself a boost: Sometimes you need a little energy boost. Invest in a pack of Lipo B shots to boost your energy levels and power up your weight loss goals. We can administer or you can take home. A little nervous about shots? Grab the Lipo B supplements instead. Be sure to eat a little snack before you take your supplement.
  9. Tie your goals to rewards for yourself: Did you lose five pounds? Yay you! Now schedule a facial and glow over your success.
  10. Invest in your wellness: Did you know that you can use your Health Savings Account for wellness related services? Change your mindset and put self-care on the calendar the same way you do teeth cleaning, medical check-ups and annual screenings.
