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Summer Time for Yourself

Summer is finally here! You finally have a little flexibility and a little time to think about yourself. We know how hard you work throughout the year. This Summer take advantage of our “Hot for Teacher” special weight loss program discount at all Physician’s Plan Weight Loss + Wellness centers.

Just call a center near you or make an easy online appointment request. All you need is your school’s faculty photo ID to receive the special savings. Like your carefully crafted lesson plans, we also believe a good plan gets A+ results. Whether you want to lose 20 pounds or 75 pounds, we create a plan individualized to your body type, life style, body composition and goals.

You will meet with a nutritional coach and medical provider to get a weight loss profile and discuss your weight loss and health improvement goals. From there we do a full body composition that provides us vital information for your weight loss journey.  All the information we collect helps us create a customized plan for you.

Our nutritional coaches will give you meal plans, provide snack options and suggest strategies to help you stay on track. We review your progress and provide a Lipo B-12 fat burner injection and probiotic vitamin package! This helps you stay energized and ramps up your metabolism to burn fat all at once (Because we know how summers can get busy, too.)!

Look amazing in your goal weight, Back to School outfit! Don’t fret about all those sweets in the lounge, we have high protein, delicious snacks, drinks and shakes to slip in your bag and help you keep the weight off.

We are here for you every step of the way! Call Physician’s Plan Weight Loss + Wellness to sign up for the 20% off Hot for Teacher weight loss savings.
