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Three Tips for a Healthier Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a time to gather with family and express thanks for our many blessings. Many anticipated traditions accompany Thanksgiving – time with family, parade floats, football and turkey with all the fixings. In the South, we love our covered side dishes, pies and handed down recipes to share. In 2020, we’ve seen a number of challenging cancelations. At Physician’s Plan Weight Loss + Wellness we encourage you not to cancel Thanksgiving, manage your relationship with this famous day of food and family. Here are three tips for how to enjoy your day of thanks without the day after guilt, bloating and midriff expansion.

  1. Make smart swaps
    Love potatoes? Sweet potatoes are highly nutritious and a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They are known to promote gut health, fight cancer, and support healthy vision and the immune system.
    Add pureed cauliflower to your mashed potatoes to replace some of the potatoes and cut calories.
    Healthier stuffing is possible. Use whole-wheat bread instead of white and add veggies, such as carrots, celery, onions and/or mushrooms.
    Make everyone happy with options. Green beans southern style – smothered in bacon and fat back – can make an appearance on the buffet table with brighter green beans with almond slices.
  2. On the Side.
    Keeping items such as butter “on the side” allows you to please your guests and save hidden calories. For example, try mixing mashed potatoes with milk and serve butter on the side so your guests can add it in themselves as desired. Gravy, salt, whipped cream, salad dressing and other traditional Thanksgiving food accessories can all be placed on the side to allow for individual allotment.
  3. Everything in moderation.
    Have your favorites. Just manage the portions. Love pumpkin pie? Enjoy a reasonable size slice. If Grandmaw insists on placing a huge portion in front of you, smile and just eat a reasonable portion.
