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Your Spring Back Reentry Plan Tips

As shelter-in-place restrictions begin to lift and we are encouraged to go back to life pre-pandemic, yet another transition occurs: reentry. If you are feeling uneasy about what lies ahead with reentry, you’re not alone. This is new for everyone. Some aspects of what was normal before will likely be changed long term.

Here are a few tips from our team:

Focus on Your Health and Wellbeing.

Incorporate healthy living into reentry. Feeling better makes transitions that much easier to absorb. Set some achievable goals. We believe everyone is unique. Our team can help you create a customized, budget-friendly weight loss and skin plan.

Find Your Comfort Zone.

Changing routines and facing unknowns can be challenging. What will socializing with friends and extended family look like moving forward? How will we ease back into activities that have been on pause? Be patient with yourself. Determine what you are ready to do based on your comfort zone, not what you see others doing on social media.

Choose a few things you can look forward to doing.

Put self-care back in the mix. At Physician’s Plan Weight Loss + MedSpa, we have budget-friendly weight loss and skin care options that continue to adhere to mask regulations, sanitation, and social distancing.

Online is still a great option.

If we learned anything during this pandemic, it is that online can be an excellent option for care. We offer online weight loss and skincare consultations.

See change as an opportunity to reset.

Instead of seeing transitions as challenges, look at change as an opportunity to reset. This can mean making a work transition or eating differently. Did you cook more during the pandemic? Did you focus on time with family? Did you enjoy your calendar looking less full of obligations?

Choosing to carry a few habits that were good into our future state is a great way to reset.

Practice healthy habits.

Taking care of both our bodies and our minds, by prioritizing nutrition and sleep, encouraging physical activity, and limiting screen time, can help reduce stress.

Call us to help you spring back into life!
